⊗ MAQAHATINE (Wolastoqey/Maliseet), created and curated by Ivanie Aubin-Malo, in collaboration with Stephane Mapachee and Catherine Dagenais-Savard produced and hosted by Agora de la danse and Tangente at Espace Danse, Edifice Wilder, Montréal, QC sunday, 26 january 2020 12 pm-3 pm ⊗ guided by the land, the wisdom and teachings of Mama Earth and the great Ancestors, lisa nevada will thoughtfully traverse the indoor spaces of Tangente at Espace Danse as a part of MAQAHATINE, curated by Ivanie Aubin-Malo. lisa will move, sound, and sing an offering of gratitude, a cleansing to restore balance and to open us up for a blessing in the form of a migrating lullaby. the lullaby cycle, with its modulation and repetitive nature, is intended to conjure the lasting energy of harmony and healing amongst participants and their communities. intimate and embracing, lullaby: an offering/ a cleansing/ a blessing permeates the senses and the surrounding landscape with gentle vibrations of sound and movement. please join lisa in honoring Mama Earth and the Indigenous land stewards before us with breath, healing intentions and song. ⊗ more about MAQAHATINE from the organizers! Hello! Join us for the Maqahatine/Let's gather together, A family event for all the Indigenous nations so we can meet in the winter and still practice our songs, our dances, exchange with our peers and work on our arts and crafts. There will be soup and bannock for everyone, prepared by Chef Maluh! A place for informal transmission for all ages and indigenous nations will take place for the simple pleasure to gather regularly and go through the winter more easily, for those who feel the need. This event has been inspired by the Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Center's Family Night. Maqahatine committee: Ivanie Aubin-Malo Catherine Dagenais-Savard Stephane Mapachee Confirmed guests on January 26th: Elder: Nicole O'bomsawin Drum: Buffalo Hat Singers Caterer: Chef Maluh Dancer and choreographer lisa nevada www.lisanevada.com/biography/ Limited capacity: 50 people. Drug and alcohol free event. Free event! Title in Wolastoqey/Maliseet. This event is produced and hosted by Agora de la danse and Tangente. Edifice Wilder - Espace danse 1435, rue De Bleury Montreal, Quebec H3A 2H7 ⊗ Espace Blanc offering and playtime in Espace Blanc. thank you Ivanie and Tangente for the generosity of space and time!