water//coyotl originated in Paha Sapa (Black Hills) in the summer of 2021 and has not been revisited until now. the integration of new elements from this summer has brought this area of research back to the forefront of my practice. water//coyotl are inextricably tied to the human. our effects on the other and one another are felt in every way possible.
- water//coyotl (excerpt 2023)
- performance: lisa nevada
- music: Carl Landa – ambient volcano, Osvaldo Golijov – Azul for cello obbligato for group orchestra (excerpt), jimi mod – whispered mantra (loop)
- lighting design: Nicholas Hogan
- dedication: for Cami’ Leonard and her family.
- The rehearsal of water//coyotl was made possible, in part, by CPR – Center for Performance Research’s Subsidized Space Rental Program.