lullaby: an offering/a cleansing/a blessing (2019 – 2021)
lisa nevada: lullaby at Brooklyn Studios for Dance (BkSD), November 1-4, 2019. Photo by Pepper Fajanslisa nevada: lullaby at Brooklyn Studios for Dance (BkSD), November 1-4, 2019. Photo by Pepper Fajansstill of a lullaby offering at Casa Centro 16 in Ciudad Juárez on December 12, 2019. video by Tyler Railullaby offering with the Buffalo Hat Singers for MAQAHATINE curated by Ivanie Aubin-Malo at Tangente, January 2020. lullaby offering with the Buffalo Hat Singers for MAQAHATINE curated by Ivanie Aubin-Malo at Tangente, January 2020. lullaby offering with the Buffalo Hat Singers for MAQAHATINE curated by Ivanie Aubin-Malo at Tangente, January 2020. lisa nevada: lullaby, as part of Sunday Salon: curated by Remi Harris, presented by CPR – Center for Performance Research on October 3, 2021. Image courtesy CPR. Photo by Kathryn Butler